Our 5 pillars of Unlocking Financial Savings for NHS partners


At Locum's Nest, we pride ourselves on the remarkable results achieved through collaboration with our partner Trusts in their pursuit of financial goals. One such success story comes from the Royal United Bath Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, which recently achieved impressive savings of over £1.3 million in avoidable costs within their ED department during the first three months of working with Locum's Nest.

How do we go about helping our partners achieve their financial targets?

The answer lies in our steadfast commitment to our five pillars of savings. Through our innovative tech-enabled solutions, we empower partner Trusts to optimise their workforce, streamline staffing processes, and significantly reduce costs:

1/ Reducing reliance on agencies

Our solutions empower your Trust to increase the utilisation of bank staff, minimising the need for expensive agency shifts. By leveraging our platform, you can reduce agency commission costs and tap into a more cost-effective resource pool.


Effectively advertise hundreds of shifts in seconds to your staff bank. Choose the target profession, departments and skills.


2/ Rate control

Say goodbye to last-minute rate escalations! Locum's Nest enables proactive shift management and advanced bookings, allowing for better forecasting and planning. With our robust governance and control features, Trusts can establish authorised and auditable rate escalation processes, further decreasing rate breaches and optimising financial stability.


Configure your own organisation’s rate cards, escalation processes and authorisations at any time. Rely on a clear audit trail to complement your organisation’s own processes.


3/ Demand control

Take control of staffing levels and align them with patient acuity and demand. Locum's Nest provides complete visibility of staffing across your trust, enabling you to make informed decisions when issuing vacant shifts. By having full workforce visibility and strategically managing resources, you can reduce unnecessary costs and enhance efficiency.


Experience the freedom of effortless workforce compliance and streamlined staff bank management.


4/ Collaborative staff banks

By promoting collaboration among staff banks, your Trust can enable better harmonisation of pay rates and reduce reliance on agencies, leading to significant cost savings. Through an open and collaborative approach, our partner Trusts, part of a collaborative staff bank, consistently achieve a fill rate that is 5-10% higher than the average Trust working independently.

Examples include Trusts belonging to the Digital Collaborative Bank (DCB), North London Medical Collaborative Bank (NCL), the Somerset, Wiltshire and Gloucestershire Collaborative Staff Bank (SWaG), and the Kent & Medway ICS Collaborative Staff Bank.


5/ Substantive recruitment

Unlock access to a vast network of over 50,000 active and engaged doctors through Locum's Nest. With our platform, Trusts have successfully transitioned staff from agency and bank positions to substantive roles. By eliminating expensive recruitment processes on job boards, you can make significant long-term savings while maintaining a high-quality workforce.


Accelerate the recruitment process by easily sharing candidate profiles and associated notes with colleagues. Flag candidates for further evaluation or discussion, ensuring a smooth and streamlined assessment process.


Ready to unlock financial success for your organisation? Let's start a discussion about your specific needs and challenges.

Book a call with our team or contact meena@locumsnest.co.uk.

Alexia Souvaliotis